“Oportunidad” products have been developed to contribute directly to the economy of families that have suffered the effects of the pandemic. The aim is to support mothers and fathers who have lost their source of income, children in a state of malnutrition, youth who are looking for some way to generate resources and forgotten communities in the countryside. We thank you for giving an opportunity to all this people.
Our WAWAS program (which means children in the native language Quecha) attempts above all to reduce the rates of domestic violence that mainly affect children as direct victims or witnesses of violence. For us, the fact of suffering or witnessing violence from early childhood is one of the causes for the rest of society’s ills, such as crime, youth gangs, femicides, corruption, early pregnancies and even poverty. For this reason, the main objective is that the home and family become the safest places for all its members and from there a change of mentality is generated in favor of a culture of non-violence and peaceful coexistence with other actors. of the society.
The WAWAS program implements a Prevention, Protection, Rehabilitation and training program that allows all school-age children and adolescents, parents, teachers, principals and local leaders, to denature violence, identify it, interrupt it and prevent it. , promoting the practice of values such as respect, tolerance, solidarity and recognition.
The “You Are Part of the Solution” project strives to directly attack the problem of violence against women in Cochabamba, since it is the department with the highest number of femicides. The objective is to mainly involve boys from school age to adulthood so that they assume a leading role in the eradication of gender violence. Our work consists of a strong task of sensitizing our current generations of children, young people and parents and equipping them with capacities that allow them to identify, intervene and assist in situations of violence against women.
“I am a woman and I am an entrepreneur”
The project attempts to support mothers of families committed to their well-being and financial independence, providing practical technical training, professional advice, psychological assistance and seed capital to improve or start micro-businesses that help them support their families and support their families.
This project was created in March 2021 within the WAWAS program, because in February of the same year a deplorable reality could be identified. Due to the physical closure of schools for more than a year, only students with good economic conditions have access to education, since they need to have a computer and internet access every day. This situation turns even more complicated if there are more than one student per family, because more computers or devices connected to the internet are needed to access classes. In this scenario, there are many families that cannot meet these conditions therefore, they cannot keep their children in the school system, or in the best of cases, they manage to provide internet and one device for a single student, preferably opting for boys to finish their school education and not girls.
These facts doom many girls and teenagers to stay at home and take over household responsibilities, which, are no longer only for the family unit, but also for other relatives or close friends with whom they shar food or housing in order to reduce living expenses during this economic crisis. Therefore, our greatest concern is not being able to help our girls due to the interruption of the usual communication channels and their isolation.
In this context, we want to offer these girls who have lost perspective, the possibility of being in contact with other girls in their age and being able to carry out a productive activity that helps them to continue developing within society and, not to stay behind along this educational crisis. Furthermore, we also want to remain close to the girls in order to pat attention to any potential kind of abuse against them and, in the worst case, to provide assistance if they happen to suffer any type of violence.
The main goal of the project is to form female soccer teams with girls among 13 to 17 years old from public schools who have been relegated from virtual education, in order to get them off risk of any abuse, stimulate their leadership and train them professionally in this discipline, through the strengthening and development of their soft skills, turning them into agents of change for violence prevention and female empowerment.
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